/head> Zuma the Dog: Zuma's feeling quite charitable

Colourful Clothes for Cool Kids



Monday, 30 July 2012

Zuma's feeling quite charitable

It’s been a while since my last post and Mummy has been so busy she’s barely been able to let me near her laptop to write anything. This is usually the time for vacations and winding down, but not here at Zuma the Dog HQ.

Things have been moving along quite nicely and I still continue to have fun and inspire Mummy with all my naughtiness. A new range has been designed and samples made with our factory. We’ve found someone to publish our books and it’s now even easier to buy Zuma the Dog product online with Kiddiebase.co.uk and The G.B. Sore here in Cascais. There was a moment though when I fell quite poorly and couldn’t move for days. Even jumping on the sofa was quite difficult. The vet thought I’d gotten a bug from those nasty tick monsters, but after a few days of little yellow pills and yakking up half the tennis ball I forgot to tell Mummy about, I felt much better and back to my usually bouncy self.

During that time Mummy took good care of me and made sure I was comfortable. She got thinking also about those doggies that don’t have a family to love and take care of them. You see it every day, doggies wandering the streets, looking for food or a bed or someone to love them. I feel most fortunate to have all of that even though my naughtiness has probably brought me close to living on the streets.  So, after a lot of thinking Zuma the Dog has decided to choose Bianca.pt as their official charity to help wherever we can. Bianca is an animal shelter for abused and abandoned cats and dogs, who nurse these animals back to health if necessary and find them new homes with loving families.  We have designed a range of t-shirts for men, women and children, which you will soon be able to purchase via our Zuma the Dog website, our Facebook page and via Bianca’s own website too. We are very proud of these t-shirt and hope that you will be able to support us and Bianca by buying one of these specially designed t-shirts. All money that is made goes straight to the charity to help buy food and medicine for these worthy animals.

We are hoping to go and visit the shelter soon. I’m looking forward to meeting doggies and hearing their stories and possibly offer some comfort at the same time. Keep an eye out for my next blog post about my visit to the animal shelter.

Much Love

Zuma XX

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