/head> Zuma the Dog: July 2011

Colourful Clothes for Cool Kids



Thursday, 28 July 2011

Zuma's Frenzy Celebration!

Yay!!!!! Yay!!!!! Yay!!!!! Mummy is back from her trip to Portugal and I am back in my home with the two key members of my little family. I had a wonderful time myself at Auntie V’s playing in her garden, but I’m happy to be back. So happy in fact that I licked Mummy’s face so much I don’t think she need’s wash for a week, in my opinion anyway. She was completely covered in yummy dog slobber. I caught her scrubbing her face quite vigorously only moments after. Mmmmmm I was pretty sure I did a good job cleaning it.
Mummy said that her trip was brilliant, working more on the house, meeting new people and a lot of Zuma the Dog networking. Daddy S believes we can get the Adventures of Zuma the Dog published in Spain and Portugal, so Mummy’s new task is to have the books translated. Wouldn’t that be great!!! Zuma the Dog books available in three languages. Now what is the Portuguese word for dog? MMmmm, I think it’s Cow? Cao? Zuma the Cao! doesn’t quite have the same zing to it, but, anyway I’m sure it will be fabulous as always.
In celebration of my family’s return we are launching another Facebook Friday Frenzy. This is open to all of our Facebook fans, Twitter and blog followers and will be held on Friday 5th August 2011, between 8pm and 10pm GMT. This is where you can get 40% discount on ALL STOCK items when using the code FFAUG5 at the checkout of www.zumathedog.com. Cool hey? You must be quick though, as this frenzy offer will only be open for two hours and after 10pm GMT the offer will be closed. Just a two hour window for you to grab your Zuma the Dog bargains.
My advice would be to check out our sweaters. At this discounted rate you would get brilliant value for money. Kids still need something to keep them warm in those summer evenings and a Zuma the dog sweater would be a great option. Particularly in the vivid orange and yellow they are available in. They really do show off the intensity of our summer season.
Mummy needs the laptop back now so for this blog I guess its Adeus and Boa tarde.
Much Love

Zuma XX

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Zuma's Summer Break

Aaaaaahhhhhh. Peace at last!! Mummy and Master C dropped me off at my Auntie V’s house on Saturday before they headed off to the airport. I was so excited to see Auntie V and Uncle Karl I almost did a little wee. I’m not sure they’d be too happy if I had actually wee’d myself. Does anyone do a line in doggy diapers by the way?
So this week I am the pampered pooch, (ha ha get it? Diapers? Pampered?). Anyway, playing in the garden, going for extra long walks and going to the pub for a pint or two in the evenings. That would actually be water and not cider.
The weather is still great and I can’t help wondering what the weather is like for Mummy in Portugal. The dogs there must get very hot and overheated with the temperatures they get, which reminds me of some more advice I was given last week. When you have a long haired dog, please remember to make sure when cooling them down, it’s their skin than needs to be cooled and not their fur. The fur soaks up the water and is warmed by the sun and by their body heat, which intern will make your doggy even hotter. So, spraying with water using a hose pipe is probably not the best idea, but to make sure doggy has a paddling pool with cool water that he can lie in if necessary. I’m luck with my short fur; it’s easier to get water to my skin.
Mummy phoned me earlier today, to tell me she had arrived in Portugal safely and that she had met some new doggy friends for me to meet when I get there at the end of the year. She also mentioned the new “Factory Outlet Shop” that was launched on Facebook this week. This is a place that is exclusive to our Facebook fans, where they can purchase our first development samples or end of line stock at really low prices. To have a look for yourself, follow this link http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Zuma-the-Dog/105101743853?sk=app_138996027389 and grab yourself a bargain! If you want to purchase from our current range then please go to www.zumathedog.com
Lots of new styles and developments are happen and there is always fun at the Headquarters of Zuma the Dog. Keep checking in and share my Dog Blog with your friends to see what's new with Zuma the Dog the kid’s cool lifestyle clothing brand.

Much Love

Zuma XX