We had a fabulous time this weekend. Making the most of the unusually hot weather for this time of year and visiting friends at the coast. I was an extra good doggy and Mummy was very proud of my behaviour. I didn’t try to eat anyone at all. No growling or barking. I made it quite a stress free day.
Mummy said that as I was such a good boy, she bought me a surprise gift and you know what? I wish she hadn’t bothered. There’s me minding my own business. Looking forward to the lovely bone or fresh homemade biscuits that she usually rewards me with for good behaviour, but Oh no! Mummy was well off the mark this time! I know Master C’s birthday and Halloween is coming up, but really? A dinosaur costume? You have got to be joking! You are not getting me into that!
After a little bit of protesting and woofing, I finally realised that for once this wasn’t about me, but about Master C. I know how much happiness he would get out of seeing me dressed like a dinosaur for his birthday party, so I decided to try it on. I do look ridiculous and it’s not very comfortable, but as long as it makes my Master C happy on his big day, then that’s all that matters.
Dressing up is a very important part of a healthy childhood and wearing fun clothes that make your kids feel great is all a part of the Zuma the Dog philosophy. Our bright, range of colourful kids designer clothes, kids designer jeans and girls designer hoodies will always put your kids in the mood for fun and laughter, which help to build confidence and good self esteem. You can also enjoy our concept samples and buy from our “outlet shop” on Facebook, where you can get up to 50% off or follow us on Twitter.
If you would like to enquire about buying wholesale and stocking Zuma the Dog for winter or pre-order for summer 2012, please contact Mummy via email at sam@zumathedog.com or find the “wholesale” page on our website, http://www.zumathedog.comwhere you can email your interest there
Mummy has now put up an image of ZumaZilla, (that’s me in my dinosaur costume) in our print and colour section of the website for you to download and print for you to colour in. Great! The humiliation of my good deed just keeps on coming. Thanks Mummy!
Much Love
Zuma XX
Too funny and so cute!