Ooooohhhhh I just can’t help myself!!! The temptation is
just too great and the doggy tourettes keeps kicking in without my knowledge.
Mummy’s chocolate advent Calendar smelled far too good and I did it again. I
fell into a blind frenzy and before I knew it Mummy’s calendar was in pieces on
the floor and silver foil bits all around me. I’m so sorry Mummy and I know it’s
really bad for me, but I just cannot help myself.
My favourite daily visitor, the postman has been bringing
more letters than usual and with the excitement of a giant box arriving the
other day, I really over did it. So happy to see the postman that I ran and ran
and ran all around the house as fast as I could and ooppppsss!!! I knocked
Mummy’s beautifully decorated Christmas tree all over the floor. Gosh if I’m
this excited to see the postman imagine what it’s going to be like when Santa
comes. I may have to lock myself away so I don’t eat his cookies and the reindeer
food and also lick him to death. That wouldn’t really be fair on the other
children of the world.
“Newsflash: Santa was
unable to deliver all of his toys on Christmas Eve because of a short encounter
with Zuma the Dog, who licked and covered him in so much doggy slobber that he
drowned. Interviews for new Santa commence on New Year’s Day. Click here to
Can you imagine what a disaster that would be?
I know that Zuma equals, naughty, but that is in more of a
fun, energetic, bouncy, colourful way, much like our kids clothing range. You
should go and visit our website http://www.zumathedog.com/
and see our range of kids designer hoodies, kids designer jeans and boys designer
t-shirts. You can also find us on Facebook, where you can interact with me and
my team and Twitter too. We would love to see you there and please introduce
yourselves as we love to meet our new friends.
Everyone in my family got emails from Santa last Tuesday including
Daddy S, who isn’t even here that often. I guess they are all on the nice list.
I didn’t get one, so I’m off to help an old lady cross the street and see if I
can get back onto the good doggy list.
Much Love
Zuma XX
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