/head> Zuma the Dog: September 2015

Colourful Clothes for Cool Kids



Thursday, 24 September 2015

Zuma's Fashion Doldrums

As if facing the change in the British weather and the depressed feeling you get at the end of the summer, knowing that all you have to look forward to is six months of long cold winter nights followed by morning visits from Jack Frost, bundling the kids into their thick coats, hats and scarves and scrapping ice off the car windscreen wasn't enough, after scouting around the local supermarkets to find Master C something interesting to wear for the next season, I was dumbstruck to see the lack of interesting options available.

Too dull for kids!
Still lucky, during mid August to experience what often seems a very short summer for the UK in recent years, I thought it would be nice while shopping with Nanny Zuma to get a quick clothing shop done (knowing it’s Master C’s growing season). Enjoying the sunshine and still feeling quite summery I entered the boys section of the supermarket only to be faced with the most dullest, boring and downright dreary clothing range I could possible see. There was absolutely nothing exciting or inspiring about the styles and quite frankly not willing to dress my fun, colourful, playful little boy anything this store had to offer.

I don’t want to sound like a moaning mini, but having worked as a designer supplying stores like these for many years, I believe their buyers are playing it too safe by not offering an alternative to grey, black and white stripes, grey on grey checks with an accent of red and white. I actually thought I’d walked into the school uniform department at first until I realised this was the only row available for boys clothes.

Shame on you ASDA! Shame shame shame for lacking imagination and balls to try something new. With a consumer spend of £3.4 Million, (figures based on tax year 2008-2009), I’m pretty sure you can come up with something better, more exciting, more original than what you already currently stock. Why play it safe for the sake of margins and profit?

Same dull colours in Europe

Our children deserve to dress age appropriate, fun, colourful and bright.  Supermarkets and other high street chain stores can do so much better than this. It’s time to stop forcing bland winter fashion doldrums on our children, particularly stocking colours like this during August.  Winter is tough enough! Dress to impress not dress to depress!

Lucky for you guy’s Zuma the Dog can save the day and brighten up those winter fashion blues. ;-)

Much Love

Mummy Zuma XX