Well, my Little Zuma fans, what a brilliant weekend? Mummy was so busy I thought she was super mum for a while. I worried Mummy though, when I got lost in our next door neighbours garden. I was really a bit naughty, but I couldn’t help it. The badgers had dug a rather large hole under the fence and I just couldn’t help but take a look. The garden next door just looked sooooo pretty and green, it just drew me in. I spent some time sniffing about and before I knew it I had forgotten where the hole was. I could hear Mummy over the fence calling for me, but I just couldn’t find my way home. Thankfully Mummy found the hole and showed me where it was. I was so happy to be back that I jumped straight into her arms and wouldn’t leave her side for the rest of the day. Phewy!!! Thank goodness for my Mummy.
Sunday was our trip out to the NCT Taunton Pregnancy and Baby fair. We had such a wonderful time. I spend most of it sat on my bean bag watching all my new friends go by, while Mummy set up the shop, made new friends while talking about Zuma the Dog and what we stand for. She gave out flyers, balloons and stickers to all the young Zuma the Dog fans.
My favourite part was having my tummy tickled by some of my new little friends, while Mummy read her new book “Zuma likes to Dig” to everyone during story time. Oh, yeah and the bestest time of all was seeing my favourite Auntie Venetia. She is the coolest. I get to go and stay with her when Mummy has to go off travelling. She spoils me rotten, I get to go for really big long walks, trips to the pub and she even takes me camping. Love her (lick lick lick).
Lots of Zuma the Dog products were sold and by raising our profile, a successful day was had. We even got to talk about our new ideas going forward and showcase our styles for the new season. Our new friends have now joined us on Facebook and Twitter. You can too by finding us on FB as Zuma the Dog and twitter as zumathedogsam. Don’t forget to drop in and have a look at our website too www.zumathedog.com.
Much Love
Zuma xx
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