Yay!!!! (nom nom nom nom) I’m so excited! (nom nom nom) Mummy and Master C are home! (nom nom nom nom) and (nom nom nom), she brought me some yummy (slurp) new home made terrier treats (cough cough). MMMmmmmmm. You should never talk with your mouth full, but these apple and special doggy chocy biscuit treats are sooooo goooood I can’t help myself. (schluuurp! Burp!). Oh! Excuse me! Ha ha ha.
So! While I’m stuffing my face, this reminds me of last week’s temper tantrum over Master C’s duvet, I tried to sew it back together, but the stuffing got the better of me and instead of putting it all back in and stitching it together. I ended up pulling it all out and making it worse. I don’t know what it is with me and fluffy stuffing, but I just can’t help myself around it. Nothing is safe; it’s like dog nip for Zuma’s. Anything that contains stuffing just has to be unstuffed. I like to knock the stuffing out of everything. Anyway, I decided to come clean about the whole thing and put the duvet in Mummy’s room for her to see when she got back. Nothing has been said so far so, phewey, I think I got away with that one, for now.
I can see that Mummy is busy catching up with little jobs, so I’m having a little look through our website right now. Mummy has been a busy bee, as I can see a lot of changes and updates that have been made. Oh and a lot new images too. We decided our images needed to be updated a few weeks ago and while Charlotte was here we had everything photographed on our mannequin or kiddiquin as we call it. These images look so much better than the flat images and give for substance and depth to our styles. As our customer you can see how our product looks on a body, hood up, hood down, front and back views, where needed. You should go take a look at www.zumathedog.com and see our great range of kids designer clothes, kids designer jeans and kids designer hoodies. Remember you can also buy from our “outlet shop” on Facebook, where you can get up to 50% off old stock, or follow us on Twitter.
To enquire about buying wholesale and stocking Zuma the Dog for winter or pre-order for summer 2012, please contact Mummy via email at sam@zumathedog.com or find the “wholesale” page on our website, where you can email your interest there.
Mummy is not happy about me spilling doggy treat crumbs all over her laptop, so I guess I better go and bask in the sunlight and work off those treats.
Much Love
Zuma XX
Love Zuma. Adorable clothes.
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