It seems like forever since the
last time I put paws to keyboard to update you on life as the muse of a kid’s
brand, so much has happened, including moving countries. Yes, that’s right, I
left the beach of my precious Guincho Beach in Portugal and swapped it for the
mountains of Switzerland. Mummy said it was a good move for everyone and I get
to meet new doggy friends and learn another language. Language is important for
a multi-traveling dog like me, so now I find myself learning to woof German and living on top of a hill
with fields and trees all around. The view across to a mountain is breath taking and I have funny four-legged
neighbours that eat a lot of grass, who wear these large bells around their
necks, ding-donging all day and make a kind of Moo sound. I’ve never seen such a funny looking
creature, but they keep themselves to themselves and I’m happy to watch them
all do their thing.
I’ve taken my time to settle in.
It’s been a big change. I’m enjoying the long walks through the forest and there’s
always something that catches my interest. New sounds, new smells and lots of
new people. I had a little run in with an electric fence while on a bog walk down a mountain, but I'm ok. Something new to learn about. I think I’m going to like it here.

Can you
imagine how exciting it is to see your own face on the T-shirt in the front
window of a shop?
Until next time
Much Love
Zuma xx