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Colourful Clothes for Cool Kids



Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Friday, 1 April 2022



Second concession shop opens for Zuma the Dog

Brand creator of Zuma the Dog and company director Samantha Bertish made an exciting visit to their second concession store at Pop Up Leatherhead in Surrey last week. Working closely with Mole Valley District Council, the Pop-up Leatherhead initiative is the second in a series of shops oraganised by The Pop-Up Shop Agents that aims to bring small brands into the high street who wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity. With a bright, modern interior, the shop creators bring a luxury feel to their customers shopping experience and, by bringing in exciting new brands it aims to increase footfall to rejuvenate high streets after what has been a devastating blow to many established high street brands over the past years.  

After the success of the Horsham store at the end of 2021 Zuma the Dog will be appearing in the new Leatherhead shop for the next three months, bringing his usual bright and happy products with him. Samantha Bertish spent the day in store to meet the shop managers, check on products and make sure everything in their concession conformed to all company branding. The shopping experience remains the same as Zuma the Dog combines conventional shopping with tech demands and with an exciting new website set to launch in the next month, the brand expects to grow with new licensed on demand products via its online and bricks and mortar shopping experiences.

“This store looks amazing, bright and modern.” Said Bertish. “The High Street location brings a lot of footfall and I can already see people’s interests are peaked by the store front and window display. It was lovely to spend the day with the store managers and other concession licensees, getting to know them and other products in store with Zuma. I’m also proud to be able to be a part of this initiative for a second time. I’m so grateful to The Pop-Up Shop Agents for all their hard work in bringing this project to life. Can’t wait to get stuck in with the next Pop-Up Shop project , wherever that may be.” 

The New Pop-Up Leatherhead shop opened in The Swan Center on the 18th March, and Zuma the Dog will be available to visit in store over the next 3 months.

For licensees who want to collaborate with Zuma the Dog on new products for the shop and new website, please contact Brand Manager Sarah Ann Camp at sarah@contagiousmediagroup.com


Friday, 5 November 2021

Small dog helps to rejuvenate the high street

 Ok! So, can anyone tell me what happened to the summer? It like, whooshed by and poof, we landed in autumn and now there's pumpkins outside blocking my path and Christmas adverts on the telly. How is it possible that each year zooms by so fast? Do they have the zoomies, just like I get when Mummy returns home after a big trip out into the world? (actually she tells me she's only been gone for five minutes, but pretty sure she' fibbing coz it feels like forevaaaaaa).

I know it's been a while since my last post. A lot of nothing has been going on while the world has been recovering from the pandemic, but now, lots of plans are being made and I'm excited to announce our latest project. The launch of our new concession shop in collaboration with Pop-Up Horsham. Working closely with Horsham District Council, the Pop-up Horsham initiative brings small brands into the high street who wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity. With a bright, modern interior, the shop creators will bring a luxury feel to their customers shopping experience and, by introducing exciting new brands it aims to increase footfall to rejuvenate our high streets after what has been a devastating blow to many established high street brands over the past years.

Zuma the Dog will be piloting a new way of shopping by incorporating products and tech. To lower the risk of buying large amount of stock it will provide products through a “make on demand” service. Customers can see, feel, and try on products in store and using QR codes provided in store, purchase their products online. These will be manufactured and shipped direct to their door within 48 hours. Zuma the Dog works closely with sustainable British licensees to ensure products are made to its exacting high stands, incorporating all the Zuma the Dog branding its customers love.

Zuma the Dog logo in store window

“We feel passionate about piloting a new style of shopping in the UK marketplace.” Mummy told me. “By looking to the future and enhancing technology we can work in a more sustainable way. Sourcing manufacturers within Britain, cutting our carbon footprint with shorter delivery distances and cutting out the need to invest in costly amounts of stock, warehouse storage costs and reducing waste. I believe this is the way forward for shopping, to combine bricks and mortar with the online experience. And it would be great to see Pop-up initiatives like this roll out across all major high streets in the UK.”

We're,...... I mean. I am very excited to see Mummy's focus of attention has been brought back to me. This opportunity  allows Zuma the Dog to gain its place on the high street and move forward with the demands of its customers. 

Shop front in Horsham
The New Pop-Up Horsham shop opens at West Street on November 2nd 2021, Zuma the Dog will be available to visit in store for 6 months and we look forward to welcoming you all there.

Much Love

Zuma XX

P.S. Do you like my Halloween costume?

For licensees who want to collaborate with Zuma the Dog on new products for the shop, please contact Brand Manager Sarah Ann Camp at sarah@weirdlime.co.uk

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Small Dog's Big Plea............for reviews.



We’re a few weeks into 2021 and things are quiet for the most part. Lockdown is having a considerable affect on business, like it is for most. We are back to school, back to home office, driving each other mad and beavering away as best we can.

Our home is barely seen under all the snow
Last week brought us a massive snowstorm. The biggest storm I’ve ever seen with the snow line covering almost half of our kitchen window! The whole valley is covered in that white cold fluffy powdery stuff and while we are stuck indoors most of the time, I’m driving Mummy nuts pawing at the door to go out and in and back out of the house to make pretty yellow patterns in the snow and eat as much of it as I can, avoiding the yellow bits, of course.

With my latest book Zuma and the Jack Pack published just weeks before Christmas, we experienced a busy time promoting the book for Christmas sales, which appeared to have paid off. Our first editions of the book arrived at our home, and Mummy got busy signing them for future competitions planned with the children’s press and our celebrity friends. We still have a long way to go with sales, though it does appear the book has so far been a success. Amazon has sold out a couple of times and replenished stock and we’ve received some very encourage reviews.

Reviews are of the upmost importance to a little unknown pooch like me. They help customers find me in Amazon rankings and help with sales. So, while I beg Mummy to dig out a small patch of snow for me to poop in, and if you’ve already read your copy of Zuma and the Jack Pack, please click on the link (left) and write me a review. It’ll be the best thing you do all day.

More books to accompany Zuma and the Jack Pack are in the pipeline. Zuma and the Mysterious Monster is book two in the series and is ready to submit to publishers. Book three currently untitled is coming soon.


More products from my brand Zuma the Dog are coming soon and for licensing opportunities to go with the book, please contact Sarah Ann Camp at Weird Lime. sarah@weirlime.co.uk Tel: +44 (0) 116 262 0840


Until next time. Stay safe.


Much Love


Zuma XX

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Small Dog's Big Book Release


A bittersweet thought came over mummy just last week as grief reared its sad little head once again, for a brief moment. An email popped into her inbox with the final proof for the cover of our long awaited book and with excitement she wanted to share the moment with those who had been along with her on this journey since the beginning.

“Mum would love to see this, I’ll call her and tell her.” She thought with excitement. “It seems like ages since the last time I spoke to her. I wonder how she’s doing?”

Then the pang in her chest thumped and tears welled in her eyes as she remembered - We lost Nanny Zuma the Dog three months ago.

Nanny was the best supporter of me, and of course why wouldn’t she? I’m the awesomest! She loved me, looked after me when Mummy was off gallivanting and best of all, she loved my stories. The first of which is now being published and due for release before Christmas. Zuma and the Jack Pack is a compelling story of me in Portugal. A journey that went from disaster to love with a little adventure along the way. I learnt a few lessons in loyalty, friendship, and loss. I found strength in sadness, overcame trauma and became something I thought impossible until then. which is probably why I’m the best candidate for helping Mummy through her grief.

It’s so sad that while Mummy’s dreams as a published author are finally realised, Nanny is not here to see her daughters hard work come to fruition. I believe it will take more time as grief runs its course. The double-edged sword of excitement and sorrow will continue to twist for a while longer, refusing the wound to heal. But I truly believe it will, in time………….

The positive thing about this moment and despite all the other things going on in the world right now is, It’s happening! My new book. My first children’s novel. The first in a series is coming out soon and there are plenty of supporters and family members who know our story, know the difficulties we overcame. Who love us unconditionally. Who are proud of us and know the real-life experiences that inspired our book and they are here to celebrate this moment with us.



This moment is dedicated to you and Nanny Zuma the Dog.


Zuma and the Jack Pack by Samantha Bertish will be available to buy as paperback from all leading book retailers in the US, U.K, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand from November.

For licensing opportunities to accompany the book can be obtained through Sarah Camp at Weird Lime.

See you for the next adventure!

Much Love

Zuma XX

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Brand Licensing Europe 2018 - What a show!

Seems like weeks ago now that we visited BLE, but we are still excited from the buzz and opportunities that are following. Another day where everyone gets to talk about me all day and we really did have a lot of fun. Yay! The weeks after BLE are always busy with follow up meeting and talks with our agent and marketing team and it’s not until November that everyone will be back in the office full time to get on with the next phase.

Some highlights from the show and look.....there's a Pikachu
on Mummy's head.

It’s the third time we’ve attended BLE and this time we had some wonderful meetings and met some great people and we would like to thank those who took the time to meet with us and talk about licensing opportunities with Zuma the Dog going forward.

We’d like to tell you all about these meeting but unfortunately, bound by secrecy until contracts are signed. At least I can give you some highlights and thank those who met with us personally.


We won! Yes, that’s correct. We won a prize from the Twitter competition leading up to BLE. It was very exciting going to pick up our personalised ‘Love Island’ water bottle from ITV Studio. The fact we’ve never seen an episode of Love Island didn’t deter us.

Dragging the boy around a big show like BLE, did make us stand out and it can be a little monotonous at time for him, but when we passed by the Sega stand (the boy being a big Sonic the Hedgehog fan besides me of course), we were delighted when Toby Rayfield handed the boy a Sega goodie bag. Totally made his day.

The characters are always the best part of BLE for us. Meeting them, hugging them and having our photos taken. I'm hoping that next year Rainbow Productions will have seen the light and realise they need my in their line up too.


Martin Lowe from Roy Lowe &Sons Ltd. Always a pleasure to meet with Martin. Socks are a fun necessity and we love his ‘Keep it British’ philosophy.

Marcie Kubik from Emoji One. So friendly and fun to meet. Thank you for allowing us to show you our ideas for Zuma the Dog emoji’s and hope to see you again at future events.

Brain Smith from Popagami. We love your enthusiasm and working with you is always a pleasure.

Ruth Leonard and Johnathan Rose from Hello Communications. We loved meeting you………. finally. Your energy and ideas really bring live to Zuma the Dog’s brand philosophy.

Stephen Gomez from Ty Toys. What an absolute pleasure. We loved your passion for TY and positivity for Zuma the Dog. Thank you for your time and energy.

And finally……………….

Sarah Camp from Weird Lime. She worked tirelessly the whole time. Meeting with licensors, publishers, toy manufacturers, talking all things Zuma the Dog. Hustling, wheeling and do deals all for our benefit.

What a star you are!

We are already looking forward to next year and who knows, we might even have a stand of our own.

 Much Love

Zuma XX

Thursday, 15 February 2018

President Zuma the Dog refuses to step down!

An important announcement 
I would like to take this moment to address the recent events in which there are rumours of my imminent resignation. So that there is no confusion I would like to confirm I am still the president and muse of the children’s entertainment brand Zuma the Dog and the rumours you hear are in fact, fake news.  

I am still just a dog who lives and plays in the Swiss Alps. Over seeing the work my Mum does that has made me the adorable character you all know and love.  The allegations of corruption are simply untrue, unless you consider my barking profusely as the postman and growling at empty plates until I am given the left overs a violation of my presidency and then, of that I am guilty. 
Merchandise for you
I hope this statement has prevented any confusion. I can confirm I work hard at being cute (and its not always easy) for the benefit of my fans and followers. I demand the best efforts of those around me and give my Mum a hard time if she doesn’t walk me enough and take enough photos of me for you all to keep up with my day to day life. I act to the best of my ability for you all, to be naughty enough to inspire my Mum to create new stories and merchandise for you all to enjoy. I pledge to you all, my beloved fans that I will continue with my outstanding work and with that I refuse to step down from my presidency.

Until next time

Much Love

Zuma xx

Ongoing President of Zuma the Dog

Entertainment character

Monday, 16 October 2017

All Change Ahead for Zuma

It seems like forever since the last time I put paws to keyboard to update you on life as the muse of a kid’s brand, so much has happened, including moving countries. Yes, that’s right, I left the beach of my precious Guincho Beach in Portugal and swapped it for the mountains of Switzerland. Mummy said it was a good move for everyone and I get to meet new doggy friends and learn another language. Language is important for a multi-traveling dog like me, so now I find myself learning to woof German and living on top of a hill with fields and trees all around. The view across to a mountain is breath taking and I have funny four-legged neighbours that eat a lot of grass, who wear these large bells around their necks, ding-donging all day and make a kind of Moo sound. I’ve never seen such a funny looking creature, but they keep themselves to themselves and I’m happy to watch them all do their thing.

I’ve taken my time to settle in. It’s been a big change. I’m enjoying the long walks through the forest and there’s always something that catches my interest. New sounds, new smells and lots of new people. I had a little run in with an electric fence while on a bog walk down a mountain, but I'm ok. Something new to learn about. I think I’m going to like it here.

With all the changes with our home, Mummy seems to have still found time to work and she tells me she now has a sales agent who will be working alongside her and the licensing agent to sell our clothing range into retailers within the UK. She seems to be very happy about that. She’s busy working on the Winter 2018 collection, creating fun styles for you and these items will be in stores and online next winter to buy.
Can you imagine how exciting it is to see your own face on the T-shirt in the front window of a shop?

Until next time

Much Love

Zuma xx

Monday, 26 June 2017

Small Dog in Best 90 List

Award winning brand gets listed
Brand owner Samantha Morgan-Bertish is celebrating today when she discovered her latest book Zuma the Dog: The Dinosaur Guy was listed in The Best Children’s Books of 2017 compiled by Tutora.

Zuma the Dog: The Dinosaur Guy available now to buy on Amazon
The list was compiled by tutora.co.uk to encourage parents and children to explore new opportunities for reading. They reached out to 100s of book reviewers, authors, illustrators and independent book stores for recommendations on what to include.

 “I was stunned to receive the news my book had been nominated.” Says Bertish. “And I am honoured my book is being so well received. It’s amazing to be included on this list with such acclaimed authors such as Julia Donaldson and Philip Pullman.”

While the book continues to sell on Amazon, fans of Zuma the Dog will be happy to know this particular story will soon be available to watch as a part of Zuma the Dog’s animated series on the children’s entertainment platform Kidscast TV. Dates for its release are yet to be confirmed.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Little Dog Digs Up Another Award.

Glastonbury based children’s brand Zuma the Dog announced as a finalist in Book Awards.

Brand owner Samantha Morgan-Bertish is celebrating this week after receiving the news that her book Zuma the Dog: The Dinosaur Guy, has been announced as a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards. This exciting news coincides with the launch of her digital on demand series, Zuma the Dog and Friends, based on the character from her books, which is to be broadcast on the new children’s entertainment platform Kidscast TV.
 Books for the award were read and judged by children in 8 UK primary and secondary schools, a book award that is judged by the people that matter with honest opinions and feedback.
“I am honoured that we have been chosen as a finalist for this award. It has been the second year one of my books has reached the final stage in this awards and our fingers are crossed for a win this year. I am delighted that my work and dog character, Zuma is enjoyed by so many children.”
Zuma the Dog kids brand was created in Somerset in 2009 inspired by the family pet and has been gaining strength in recent months.
The winners will be announced on 1st April.
Search Samantha Bertish on Amazon to find all Zuma the Dog book releases.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


If Mummy says it's official then it must be. I will proudly wear my badge of honour on the front cover of my book. Here's what the press release had to say.

Award winning children’s brand Zuma the Dog announced as a finalist in Book Awards.

Brand owner Samantha Morgan-Bertish is celebrating this week after receiving the news that her book Zuma Likes to Dig, the first picture book in the pre-school series The Adventures of Zuma the Dog has been named a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards.

 Books for the award were read and judged by children in 8 UK primary and secondary schools, a book award that is judged by the people that matter with honest opinions and feedback.

“It’s official and I am delighted and honoured that we have been chosen as a finalist for this award. It means so much to me that my work and dog character, Zuma is enjoyed by so many children.”

Zuma the Dog kids brand was created in Somerset in 2009 inspired by the family pet and has been gaining strength in recent months with licensing deals including a clothing range and an online TV show.

All new editions of Zuma Likes to Dig will now bear its finalist medal on the front cover and Samantha continues to work on her new book in the latest series.

Search Samantha Bertish on Amazon to find all Zuma the Dog book releases. The Adventures of Zuma the Dog series is available to buy at all good book retailers.

Proudly showing our medal of honour from
The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards

The bilingual range all show our medal too

Did you know that our books were also available as bilingual stories? These special editions are only available direct from Diverze Publishing and can be ordered through them. Order today and get your child on the road to language learning.

Much Love

Zuma XX

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Small Dog Digs up New Award

I am blown away by the amount of good news I'm reading about Mummy's hard work right now. It looks like her patience is paying off and here is another exciting announcement we have been celebrating.

This press release is out now about our good news.

Award winning Glastonbury based children’s brand Zuma the Dog announced as a finalist in Book Awards.

Brand owner Samantha Morgan-Bertish is celebrating this week after receiving the news that her book Zuma Likes to Dig, the first picture book in the pre-school series The Adventures of Zuma the Dog has been chosen as a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards. This exciting news coincides with the launch of her fourth book Zuma the Dog: The Dinosaur Guy, both of which are available to buy from Amazon worldwide.

 Books for the award were read and judged by children in 8 UK primary and secondary schools, a book award that is judged by the people that matter with honest opinions and feedback.

Always keen to have mummy read about me to me
“I am delighted and honoured that we have been chosen as a finalist for this award. It means so much to me that my work and dog character, Zuma is enjoyed by so many children.”

Zuma the Dog kids brand was created in Somerset in 2009 inspired by the family pet and has been gaining strength in recent months with licensing deals including a clothing range and an online TV show.

The winners will be announced on 1st April.

Zuma Likes to Dog: Finalist in book awards

Search Samantha Bertish on Amazon to find all Zuma the Dog book releases worldwide. The Adventures of Zuma the Dog series is available to buy at all good UK book retailers.

I recommend you give my books a go. Your kids will love them and there's nothing better than falling asleep to a story about a dog. The perfect bedtime story all about me!

Much Love

Zuma XX

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Mummy is at it again! A new book all about me and my escapades is out and we are really excited. Following my 9th birthday Mummy decided it was time to put something new out there for you all to enjoy. It's been some time in the making, many changes, tweaks and edits, but finally it's finished and ready for the world. The press release is out and here's what our clever marketing people have to say....................

Children’s brand Zuma the Dog is pleased to announce the release of their latest story book on Amazon.

New Kindle Edition
Embracing the tech world, this first kindle edition of their new picture book Zuma the Dog: The Dinosaur Guy is now available to pre-order on Amazon ahead of its launch date on 1st March. If you would like to review this book then brand owner Samantha Morgan invites you to email her at zuma@zumathedog.com and the first 20 people will receive a FREE PDF version of the book.

“It’s been some time since we released a story book and looking forward to hearing the public’s reaction. We are so happy that our brand is able to extend into products outside the clothing line. It gives the brand real strength and longevity in a fickle and ever changing marketplace.”

You can search Samantha Bertish on Amazon to find all Zuma the Dog book releases and click here to go straight to our new release.

I hope that you enjoy our new book and look forward to seeing your reviews on Amazon.

Happy Valentine's Day and Much Love

Zuma XX

Friday, 18 December 2015

Little Dog signs Licensing Agent

So, this is why Mummy has been so busy just lately. Would have been nice to know she was signing me to an agent. I guess now I can say "Talk to my agent!"
Zuma the Dog finds growth through Licensing

Glastonbury based start up Children’s brand Zuma the Dog is excited to announce they have now signed a Licensing Agent. Those Licensing People based in North Yorkshire is set to grow the brands awareness outside its original clothing line.

  TLP will represent Zuma the Dog, with an initial project being a TV series aimed at 4-6 year olds to be broadcast worldwide via its YouTube Channel Zuma the Dog TV. This will open up Zuma the Dog to an international market and give the ability for the brand to extend outside its current online market with licensed products such as stationary, plush collectibles, toys, gifts and apps. Award winning marketing company Weird Lime will be heading up all the marketing to compliment all licensed products. “This is an exciting step forward for Zuma the Dog”. Says owner/creator Samantha Morgan “we are really looking forward to working with TLP and Weird Lime and will continue to make sure Zuma the Dog’s core brand philosophy stays in the forefront of the TV series and any new licensed products.”

Samantha will continue to concentrate her efforts on the clothing line and hopes the licensed products will bring more brand awareness and free up time for her to continue designing fabulous fashion for kids.

Little Stuffed Zuma is all ready
for Christmas
What exciting news this is to end what has been a fabulous year for the whole family. I can't wait to see myself on TV and going over right now to subscribe to Zuma the Dog TV. I suggest you do the same to be sure you get the very latest on the TV show.         
With Christmas just around the corner there is still time to get your hands on some of our award winning Zuma the Dog products and our books make great stocking fillers too.
We hope you enjoy this special time with your families and we will be back in the New Year with more news and updates about our TV series and other escapades from Zuma the Dog HQ.

Much Love

Zuma XX