Most of the time my blogs trend towards the humorous side of
life and the fun I have most of the time as a carefree doggy living the dream with my own kids lifestyle clothing brand.
They say that people (personalities) hide behind humour and I believe this is
the case for most part of my life. We are all a little naughty at times and
many of us have issues and this edition of my blog will give you a little in
site to why I am naughty at times. It´s not just down to my breed.
Mummy and I are extremely close and we hold each other very
dear. We look to each other for support and have helped each other through
difficult times. We are survivors of domestic violence and as it´s been a few
years since our abuser left we still have a sense of co-dependence in order to
get through our trauma. I was a young pup of only two years old when our abuser
left. The first two years of my life was difficult. I was witness to Mummy
being hit and shouted at and even hospitalised and when Mummy wasn´t around the
attention was drawn to me. Mummy has no idea what happened to me and I have no
words to tell her, but she can see in my eyes the fear and trauma that I
endured. She was witness to the occasion beating that took place in front of
her, but she always scooped me up into her arms to protect me, so for the most
part the beatings were done without her knowledge. A lot of my time was spent hiding behind
sofa´s or growling at Mr Abuser in the hope he would stop his torment and the
state of stress and hyper sensitivity I currently live in is what I have only
known. Mummy loves me very much and shows me a lot of love and encouragement to
help me with my fears of Human men, but she feels that my anxiety is getting
out of control and beyond any help she is qualified to give me.
I have seen over the years that there are a lot of help for survivors of domestic violence of the human kind. You can just Google it and
where ever you look help is available. There are regular cases in the news where women speak out as survivors
to show encouragement and help to those
still enduring their traumatic experience. Mummy
has had much human support and has been able to work through her issues and
come to some sort of peace and moved on. I, on the other hand can´t seem to
move on and ask, but what about the dog? What about the family pet? We have
emotions and feelings. We have trauma and issues. We have flashbacks and
memories that we need to come to terms with.
I am the silent
witness and feel that I have been forgotten about throughout this whole healing
process, where is the help for me? How do you help a dog that for 99% of the
time shows love and goodness and affection yet for the 1% is fearful and
anxious and has no trust for Human men? How do you help a dog who is a survivor of domestic violence?
A question for Cesar Milan I believe or perhaps we should
look a little closer to home? I have a feeling some of my questions are about to be answered.
Much Love
Zuma XX