/head> Zuma the Dog

Colourful Clothes for Cool Kids



Friday, 23 July 2010

The Big Society

I've not long got back from my summer hols, so I could tan my sizzling little bod, and while I was catching up on Zuma The Dog orders Dave Cameron was banging on about the Big Society.
Actually it makes a bit of sense. I don't want to pay loads more tax to keep on helping the government and local council to pay for things you and I don't really want or need. And it's far better for me and my neighbourhood to take over or save things that we do want if the politicians won't give them money any more. We can run them the way we want then as we are the best judges of what suits us.
And then I thought back to the time when I set up Zuma The Dog when I was desperate to find my son clothes that suited him. You can travel anywhere in the country and all the shops have the same lines of boring, garish or adult-type clothes for boys and girls.
I reckoned I could do it better, and when I see him, his friends or kids I see in the streets wearing the sweaters, t-shirts and hoodies I can't help thinking that I made the right decision. I and my customers know what we want and the best way to get that is to do it yourself.
It was tough starting out but Dave Cameron will be so proud of me!!

Monday, 19 July 2010

Summer Sales

Hi everyone I am a new intern at Zuma the Dog, so far I’m having a really good time and learning a lot about the industry. Having recently been shopping I thought I would comment about the madness going on in all the shops. Sales are everywhere and customers have been going crazy for all their holiday clothing.
Unfortunately my initial excitement, was only there for a short period as I quickly realised some of the rubbish that had been put on to the rails to bulk out the stock. Although my shopping trip was not a complete loss, I opted for the non-sale rails and was presently surprised by what I found for my summer holidays.
So my advice is this: Only do the sales if you know what you’re looking for, getting a bargin is always a good feeling but buying a timeless piece will leave you feeling better for years to come.....
Much like the few pieces I brought this week Zuma the Dog provides children with great, hardwearing clothing that is always in style. The bright colours used in this collection are iconic to the brand, it really brightens up everyone’s day. And let’s not forget you can order online so you’ll beat the crazy crowds.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Zuma the Dog: Zuma's Big Brother Budget


Zuma's Big Brother Budget

I'm writing this as the Government is getting ready to tell us how badly we're going to get stuffed in this emergency budget thingy.
Thankfully it doesn't look like Cameron and his mates are going to slap VAT on children's clothes. That would be a bit of a disaster for parents who are already struggling to pay the bills or get a decent job.
Shopping around you end up with a choice, quality clothes that cost more, or cheaper stuff that fades and frays pretty quickly and don't last until the kids outgrow them. Getting 17.5% added onto any price you pay is going to hurt - so the best way to avoid that is to re-use the clothes you have already - especially if they are timeless, hardwearing and exciting.
Zuma the Dog is a well made and good quality product. We do not make anything in pink or blue. Bright colours only that both boys and girl can look great in. This makes our brand long last and unisex which means it can be passed down from your big brother or sister, or even your friends' children.
Check out www.zumathedog.com to start the new big sister or big brother trend in handmedowns.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

No Soccer for Zuma

The soccerball world cup isn't about to take over just my television, it's even all over the kids clothes.
Everywhere I look the racks are stacked with t-shirts and jumpers with the usual cliches attached. They're not even very good, just the usual drabness with a bit of print slapped on.
I even saw a Mickey Mouse T-shirt with a Union Jack flag on, there's no reason for it. If it's not the red and white flag it's a ball and there's only one reason for it. Cheap designs from designers with ideas stretching no further than making an easy profit from the national obbession really get my goat.
Zuma The Dog loves playing with a ball as much as the next little boy, but there's more to clothes than simply throwing on a t-shirt with the aim only of feeding off commercial emotion.
The Zuma range doesn't pander to the whim of the moment. You'll find the whole range all year round in the bright, colourful and fun designs you know will make your child stand out in the crowd for all the right reasons.

To get your Zuma the Dog items go to www.zumathedog.com

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Zuma the Dog: New Styles

Zuma the Dog: New Styles

Something for the Summer

It's one of life's great sensations - slipping on some warm clothes on a summer evening when it starts to get a bit nippy and pulling a hood over your head.
After running around on the beach, a family barbeque or simply after playing in the garden, you'll want to dress your kids in bright, summery clothes that match their mood.
Zuma The Dog has four designs that fit the job nicely for children - an orange, yellow or white with two choices of contrasting lining are the sort of colours for winter warmers that they will love wearing when they're allowed to stay up past their bedtime.
And when it comes to hugging them goodnight, you won't want to let go as you feel the softness of the fluffy fleece
All have the distinctive and friendly Zuma The Dog logo on the front. The white designs not only have Zuma's cute tail printed on the back, I've thrown in a key chain as a bonus.
You'll find the hoodies on the webiste at www.zumathedog.com in sizes up to 10 years.