I’ve returned home from a brilliant week of fun on my Doggy holiday. The weather was a little bit rubbish, but I got to run free everyday for hours and hours with all of my doggy friends and I think I lost a small amount of that porkiness that was building up around my middle. Mummy says I always look slim lined after she gets back from her trips. Mmmmm maybe I don’t get fed enough while she’s away? Note to self: Make sure I ask for seconds and wear Nanny down by begging for more food. OK, think that should do it!
I can definitely feel an air of autumn in the breeze already and so I am doing my best to not think about winter and look ahead to the summer of 2012. This will be my first summer living in Portugal and we all have a lot to do before we get to that point. I know Mummy has been thinking about summer 2012 for a while now, not just from our big move perspective, but also from our business point of view.
Our range in manufactured in China, which has a long turn around. We like to always look ahead, almost one year ahead, so we can make sure we have all the stock needed for that season. We already have our stock for winter 2011/12, and so now we are working on new ideas, samples and lead times for our summer range. Many of our samples are ready and images can be viewed on our website www.zumathedog.com. We are ready to take pre-orders for wholesale as we need to place our factory orders by the end of the year to get them in time for spring/ summer 2012. Some of our ideas take quite a bit of developing, so items like our sound chip top may need to be put on hold and introduced mid season.
At Zuma the Dog we hold a great range of kids designer clothes, boys designer jeans and girls designer tops and you can also buy from our “outlet shop” on Facebook, where you can get up to 50% off concept samples and production samples or follow us on Twitter.
To enquire about buying wholesale and stocking Zuma the Dog for winter or pre-order for summer 2012, please contact Mummy via email at sam@zumathedog.com or find the “wholesale” page on our website, where you can email your interest there.
My paws are aching from all that running around and now typing and I must email this blog off to Mummy as she has a deadline to meet.
Much Love
Zuma XX
You have the cutest kids clothes. Wish I had a small child. I think I would buy everything you have in your shop.